Common security problems of web hostings

Using any device connected to the Internet, applications, and web pages and you automatically expose them to cyber security risks. Scammers on the Internet can illegally enter your account, infect your system and steal valuable data. Web hosting has not spared all this, so your site must be protected by modern solutions. Attempts to cyberattacks are increasing several thousand times every year, and in today’s article, we will cover the most common web hosting security issues.

Hacking Login Credentials

Such attacks are the most common way to steal valuable data from a web host. This is how this brute-force attack happens:

Hackers develop special scripts with the help of which it is possible to recognize the most commonly used and typical passwords for accessing web hosting servers or any other network. After that, they can easily compromise servers whose password protection is lame. That is why it is so important to choose complex passwords consisting of at least 12 characters (letters, numbers, and other characters).

Vulnerabilities on servers

Another common web hosting problem is the vulnerability of Windows servers. For example, recently there was a case in the Zerologon system, which was responsible for the security of several thousand computers. And they all came under great threat, several months after the attack, some of the computers are still not updated.

You need to be sure that your web hosting service provider takes proper care of your security and uses the latest technology against aggressive cyberattacks.

DDoS attacks

DDoS attacks are the most complex and nasty attacks for any security system. They work in such a way that they cause a system denial of service. Over the past year, the number of such attacks has increased several dozen times compared to the previous one.

The scale of a DDoS attack is growing more and more, and even more often it targets a specific web server. If attackers succeed in infiltrating your system using this attack, many websites under the authority of this web host will be in place and will not be able to function.

Your web hosting provider’s security must be kept up to date.

General directory

Each website that is managed by the same web host has a folder that contains various site data. This folder is located inside your web host’s “directory”. If you are using shared hosting this directory will contain not only your folder but also the folder of the other website that it supports.

And even though your sites have nothing to do with each other, this directory connects you.

Therefore, if a cybercriminal gains access to the web hosting directory, he can easily access each of the sites that are on it. It looks for weaknesses in your sites like a simple password or plugin and infiltrates your system.

Slow loading times

If, while using shared hosting, one of the supported sites is hacked, it can affect your site’s performance as well. When hackers break through a site’s security, they can use it for other malicious activities, such as storing malicious files and links to infect other websites.

Because of this, the site that has been hacked will start using much more resources than before, and therefore the performance of your website will noticeably slow down. It can slow down to the point that no visitor can access it, resulting in a lot of money lost.